Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Difficulties We Face In Leadership
There are many varying things leaders have trouble developing. I struggle with being the same person no matter who I'm with. When I'm with my friends, or people I'm comfortable with, I tend to be myself. But when I'm surrounded by people I don't know very well or don't feel comfortable with, I usually retreat back and stay reserved. I do this because it's hard for me to know that I'm being judged. I think to myself that if people say negative things or even act negatively towards me, it's okay because they don't know me. But it's something different when they critcize who I actually am. So, this is probably the biggest area in my life that needs major improvement. I also tend to agree with everybody on pretty much everything because I don't want to offend them. So, I also need to work on standing up for what I believe.
What are some areas that may need improvement in your life?

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