Thursday, November 5, 2009

Be Curious and Explore
One way to improve yourself is to look into your surroundings. There are plenty of opportunities to gain more valuable knowledge. Take for instance, your grandparents. They are an important part of your family and have influenced the way you were brought up by your parents. Even if you don't see your grandparents often, you can always call or make special efforts to interact with them.
You may be thinking, "What valuable information can I get from my grandparents who don't understand the modern way of life now?" Well, think about their insights on life and how it should be lived. Did they have any hardships in their life that you could learn from? Do they have any advice on how to improve social relationships?
Chances are, they've got some sort of sage wisdom to share. So, take advantage of your surroundings that are all around you and explore what you can gain by expressing your curiousity.

1 comment:

  1. I agree 100%! Why do children learn things so fast? Because they're curious! With curiosity, you can learn anything and that can enrich so much. Maybe it's just in philosophy or even physics. The world around you is changing every moment, being curious will help you be updated.
