Friday, October 30, 2009

A Positive Attitude Determines How You Experience Life
"Our attitude toward life determines life's attitude towards us." ~Earl Nightingale
Having a positive attitude creates an atmosphere of cheerfulness. As Mr. Fritz says, "It [tough times] will either make you bitter or make you better." Living your life with a joyous attitude will make all the difference on how you view your life. When I'm having a bad day, I try to remind myself that somewhere, someone will be having a worse one. Also, because attitudes are contagious, it is important to realize that how I feel and act impacts how others feel and act. So, having a postive attitude really helps me as well as others get things done effectively and efficiently.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

I thought the following quote by Martin Luther King, Jr. really hits the nail on the head. It's so true and it caused me to think about larger things in life.

"I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant." ~Martin Luther King, Jr.

Because truth and love are at the core of life and leadership, they make up the solid foundation of your life. If you are truthful and show sincere care for others, ultimately, you have the leg up. Others will follow your lead because they know they can count on you. They will also be more willing to sacrifice their time, energy, and other resources in order to accomplish a vision. Others are more likely to have an active role in striving to attain goals when they know that you genuinely care about them.

When you make a mistake, others know that they can still trust you if you have repeatedly been trustworthy in the past. It will cause some doubt in their minds, but that is better than permanent questioning. If you do not live with truth and love, you will suffer negative consequences. That is the evil triumphant. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s quote really puts this into perspective for me.